Publicity and about Simon Vestford
Frontpage illustration in Weekendavisen with the article " I dansens Vold"
Featured artist - Arctic Paper
Second Solo Exhibition at Baum und Pferdgarten Flagship Store
Holiday collaboration with Baum Und Pferdgarten
Featured artist by G.F. Smith
Mini Solo Exhibition at Kbh Kunst
Featured artist on in interview with Baum und Pferdgarten
Featured artist by Linex
Featured artist by Legion Paper
Featured artist by Baum und Pferdgarten
Solo Exhibition at Baum und Pferdgarten Flagship Store
Artist of the year by The Danish teatchers art association
Simon Vestford laver håndskåret papirkunst i lag uden brug af lim eller tape, kun rammen holder papiret og værket sammen. Med inspiration fra haute couture fotografi og Europæisk ekspressionisme og impressionisme, laver han værker som bryder med den traditionelle definition af papirkunst ved nærmest at bruge papiret som maling.
“Papir er stærkt, sårbart, fleksibelt og stift på samme tid, så det kræver stor tålmodighed og forstålse at lave papirkunst, som jeg laver den. At være vild og impulsiv i en kontrolleret proces, er en hårfin balance, så skærefejl eller forkert valg af papirnuance kan give et værk et nyt liv.”
Simon Vestford arbejder udover det traditionelle figurative motiv med, at genskabe f.eks. tøj og brugsgenstande i en abstrakt facon. Hans kantede skærestreger og skygger, som dannes gennem lagene af papir giver hans værker et spændende udtryk, der ændrer sig i forhold til lysindfaldet.
“Da papiret jeg har valgt at bruge har få nuancer, så arbejder jeg meget med hvad farver egentligt er og gør ved hinanden. En farve vil gerne være sin egen, så derfor arbejder jeg med, at understøtte eller underspille en farve med andre farver, så den valgte farve får den rigtige farve i værket. Det lyder måske indviklet, men det er den proces, som jeg elsker at arbejde med og forstå hvordan grafisk design kan oversættes til billedkunst.”
Simon makes handmade layered paper art - his artworks are held in place only by their frames.
“Paper is strong, vulnerable, flexible and rigid all at the same time, it takes great patience to work with. Being wild and impulsive in a controlled process is a delicate balance, so cutting errors, or a wrong colour choice, can actually give a work a new life."
Simon's work breaks the traditional definition of paper craft - he uses paper as paint. His angular lines and shadows formed through the layers of paper give his works a dynamic and exciting expression that changes in relation to the light.
"I always start with a direct reference, it can be a photo I like or a composition. I cut away the background and any features I don’t need and focus on what I want to show. It takes 3-4 hours to draw the final version and then I start to divide the colours into seperate layers. It's a very hard process, because I have to reduce and cut out things, but this is what defines my style."